Angela Wang's Journal
Apr 2007
4:45 PM EDT
Today my mind was always blank. At noon, I watched Wen Jiabao's speech, Chinese Premier , who is now visiting Japan. From his speech, I reviewed the historybetween China and Japan again. In history, the activity of Japan invading China made Chinese people suffered many sorrows in physical and economical. On the contrary, the friendly Chinese people raised many Japanese orphans after war, and tried to look for their own parents; At last, many of them were sent to their motherland. However, what did Japanese people do for Chinese? It was nothing. Although those hurt have been planted in Chinese minds, every people in CHINA always love peace and hope two country will jointly develop in cooperating and harmonious manner based on former friendship. I think all of the people in the worldhope we will have peaceful surroundings to live.
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Angela Wang
Gender / Age:
Female, 47
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ANGELA WANG's Interests:
About Me:
I am a Chinese girl studying in a college majoring environmental science for my master degree. I am married, and have a very good husband.
Reading, traveling although I am poor and could not afford it.
Favorite Music:
folk songs
Favorite Movies:
Forest Gum
Favorite Television:
nature program
Favorite Books:
red dream